Have you ever wondered that if sounds can irritate you and cause an unsettling feeling, they can also do the opposite? This is what the science of sound healing is all about.
Benefits of a professional life coach
If you’re between 20-45 years old, you’ve probably seen professional coaching advertisements on social media. Maybe you’ve gotten the suggestion to see a career coach or executive coach to work on confidence or communication skills. Professional coaching may be a foreign concept to some or seem “woo-woo” to others, but in reality, it is a results-based relationship.
How Intuitive and Mindful Eating Can Improve Your Life
As the name might betray, intuitive eating is all about using your own intuition in order to discern when you’re hungry, when you’re full, and what your body needs to function optimally.
Yoga beginners guide: The basics you need to know
Yoga isn’t just exercise. It could be considered a mindfulness technique or spiritual practice as it focused on the harmony between mind and body.
Journaling is good for your health: What you need to know
Why journal? Why not? Journaling is proven to have physical, mental, and emotional benefits.
How to harness healing through nature
Nature’s one of those things that people take for granted because it’s always around and there’s always something else on the schedule.
But now, after months of socially distancing, people are choosing nature as an outlet, a destination, and a release.